Your Muay Thai starter pack!
Music by @djnasty707 - House Party Vibes via @hellothematic
Starting any new activity or hobby can be a whirlwind of excitement and confusion. With athletic or sporting activities, there’s an acclimatisation period of learning about the sport, the lingo and what gear exactly you will need for participating! Eg. me running a marathon for the first time last Sunday… This was me the day before as we picked up our bibs and realised how underprepared we were - What are these superior toe socks (BEST investment ever!!) , gel packs, caffeine packs.. wait, when do I these gel packs and how do I carry them.. and just where do I begin?? Hopefully this blog answers those Muay Thai questions you may have as someone starting out!
So, for something I’m more familiar with, here is a general beginner guide to what you’ll need to get started in Muay Thai! You can accumulate all of these over time (and eventually will own a few of each lol..) …Don’t worry if you’re in for your first few classes and haven’t yet gotten around to shopping for them as most gyms have trial gear and the essentials for sale.
Starting out, I had one pair of gloves, 16oz. I used them for pad work, bag work and sparring.. and all the way up to my Interclub competitions. If you only want 1 pair, I would purchase a 16oz pair as they are versatile.
As you progress, you’ll like to have a smaller pair for your bag and pad work. A 8oz or 10oz pair will suffice. All gloves have a different fit so be sure to try a few brands (put them on for a feel) before committing to purchasing.
You only need one good pair.. I would invest in purchasing a more expensive or well known brand as these last you forever. I had my first shin guards for close to 6 years before the velcro started giving way. Similar to gloves, you want to try them on for comfort and feel.
You’ll need a fair few pairs of these! They do range in quality and durability .. you’ll be able to tell after a few purchases of which brands are better!
Muay Thai shorts
Not a must have but most people wear Muay Thai shorts eventually for training. They are comfortable to kick and sweat in… plus you feel like you’re doing Muay Thai :P . Muay Thai shorts usually last a long time if handled properly in the wash. They are light and dry easily.. would recommend having a few pairs of these in your closet!
Also not a must. I used them much more when starting out. My feet and ankles would get sore during training or competition. Mostly, from my bad aim or lack of conditioning .. eg. kicking an elbow (the worst!!) …So, I have them in my bag just for the days I need some extra support during training. And always try to wear them in a fight.
A MUST! I started with the mouldable mouthguards which worked fine for my Interclub competitions and in class sparring.. but once moving to professional, would recommend getting a dentist fitted mouthguard with all the extra protection layers! Mine has lasted a while though I am unsure if you’re recommended to change them every so often… something to ask the dentist!
Knee and elbow pads
I have them at training all the time but they’re not a must. The knee pads a handy to prevent awkward knee clashes and unwanted small injuries.. and also if you’re coming into class banged up (eg after a fight), the knee pads are a great versatile way to protect the bruises on my shins. I can wear them under the shin guard to add extra cushioning too.
Elbow pads are for training elbows… as I found that if I didn’t train them in sparring, they wouldn’t be natural in a fight and I also would be more open for elbows if I didn’t practice defending them!
First aid and extras for females
Its a running joke that my bag is also a first aid kit… and it semi is lol. I carry band aids, wound cleaners and sprays, tape, cotton pads, tampons, nail cutter and some spare contact lenses, hair ties and pins... Especially when travelling, it’s painful and risky (to infections) to train with open cuts or grazes. So I have these ready to use for when they happen… which we all know, training and bruises (and some minor bleeds) are synonymous sometimes. Though you should be able to find most of these in a gym.. better safe than worrying about it!
Disinfectant spray
Yes! Staph is prevalent in gyms sometimes… sweaty, damp and unsanitised gear and surfaces and be a huge problem for recurring staph infections. Disinfectant sprays are an easy way to keep your gear clean and safe…Also, remembering to put them out to dry after each use instead of keeping them in the bag!
Groin Protection
A must for boys.. there have been some horror stories…
As for females, it’s not very common that we wear them during training. In some competitions it is a requirement to wear them so I have a pair (but it sits in the bottom of my drawer mostly..). They’re actually quite comfortable and unnoticeable.
Where to purchase:
Gloves, Shinguards, Handwraps, Shorts, Groin guard, Mouldable Mouthguards, Groin Protector, Anklets and Elbow Pads: Any combat sports shop or online!
I purchased my knee pads from a local sports shop, Rebel Sports here in Melbourne - they’re just the soft volleyball ones!
There are a few options of disinfectant sprays but I currently use the GymLab ones.
As most of you know I am sponsored by the lovely team at Primo Fightwear . Use my code MACHI10 for 10% off your cart at checkout and send some love to me and Machi (and the rest of the furry fam <3 ) If you’re curious about my Muay Thai shorts review video where I talk about ALL the shorts I currently own, check out the video link above! Or read about it here -
I hope you enjoyed the little breakdown of what you may need when starting or progressing in your Muay Thai training life! I hope you found that useful! That’s all I have for this blog post.. Chat soon :) !