Conversations with Kru F (Pisit Kambang) of Sitjaopho Gym [the transcript]
We chatted to Kru F, one of the famous Sitjaopho twins at his gym in Hua Hin, Thailand. Every morning after the morning classes we sat down for 10-15 minutes and conversed about Muay Thai and his journey. This is the transcript for the video recorded conversation :) The video is linked below!
I hope you enjoy this! Kru F is such an amazing human being and teacher.. and someone who inspires so many martial artists… who travel across the world to train with them at Sitjaopho Gym :) This video (and transcript) was filmed in September 2022.
Thank you Kru F for sharing!
Tell us about yourself and your Muay Thai journey :
Sawadeekap, my name is Pisit Kambang or fighter name Phet-Tho Sitjaopho. I started Muay Thai when I was about 8 to 9 years old because of my uncle. He is an old fighter and my cousin was fighting. After my cousin retired, me and my brother started fighting and practising Muay Thai.
Kids fight and make experience starting around 20-23 kgs and have about 60 fights. Before, we had so many kid fighters. We had so many festivals every month until about 14 years old.. about 5-6 years and then we get to the bigger stadium, like Lumpinee Stadium. and we would keep fighting until we get to the big stadium. At Lumpinee stadium, you need to be about 45kg. Me and my brother started fighting around 20kg. To get from 20kgs to 45 kgs takes many years and as we’re fighting we also had to lose weight. I’m 27kg and I have to fight 23kg, something like that. Had many fights when we were young .. more than when we were grown. In the bigger stadium we fought about 1 to 2 times a month maximum. But when I was young sometimes I fought 3 times a month or 5 times in 2 months. That’s why Thai fighters have a lot of experience and many fights. If compared to now, Muay Thai at the countryside or kids are not many. Before so many kid fighters and super good, amazing technique! Before we had so many as there were many fights at many places. Not so much now. Maybe have experience about 30 - 40 fights and they move to bigger stadiums or fight for 1 or 2 years. But back then we started from younger.
How can we be as good as the Thais even though starting so late?
Now in the modern times we have everything on social media. Thats why there’s not so much difference in between. When I was young I was watching the Golden Era. I’m watching .. they’re good they’re technical. But when it turned to my time, when I grew up and I had experience. Why I can fight with master like Neung Ubon. Why I can fight with master like Tong Chai Tor Silachai.. Why I can fight with many good fighters from the golden era. Because it’s about the time … you are young. If you have the experience, strong experience and you are growing the Muay Thai is almost the same. The difference is only the style and the sense for fighting. It’s different only you experience hasn’t gone there yet and the time. Muay Thai before is learning. Only one way, watching on TV or communicate with the trainer. But these times you learn so much and so fast because of social medias.. many ways, Youtube, Instagram.. and many things. THat’s why when you watch and learn all the time. You have the passion and you want to be that’s why you learn so much and you learn very quick.. before we had nothing.
What is the most important thing for fighters?
The most important is training. Training is very important..Have the correct routine..finish your routine , 2 - 3 weeks just concentrate.. just focus. It’s not to be focused until you’re so stressed and tight. Just focus, relax and focus. Only two to three weeks that you have before a fight. It’s not mean you stressed, not talk to anyone..not so stressed like that. Just training hard make yourself strong .. make your physical body strong. Because in Muay Thai its not only the cardio, you use everything.. the mind.. the sense.. the mindset.. the style… being strong.. technique.. has to be complete. The mind is very important. Sometimes you need to relax your mind don’t be too stressed. If you have too much expectation into the future, makes you stressed as you dont want to make mistakes.. So just do the best.. train the best.. sleep.. fighting the best. Win or lose it’s just like a game. Win, ok good. Lose mai pen rai.. no problem. Come back, to try and learn by mistake again. One thing, is just don’t make your mind and life stressful. I think that is the key…If you do Muay Thai and are stressed, you’ll feel not comfortable in your life. Just relax , don’t be too stressed.. not too tense.
Sitjaopho Style. Tell us more about the Sitjaopho Style (known for their beautiful style, teeps and longer ranged weapons).
Sitjaopho style is more using timing, defence and counter attack . Defend and counter attack. Attack fast and counter attack in the moment. How to do the sitjaopho style? Take your time, control in sparring..practice your defence. Let your partner kick you and you pick the timing. Sometimes spar without gloves . Sometimes when you have glove you box too much and you don’t learn about the defence and forgot about defence. If you hurry, and your technique is still not so good, you cannot get the timing and have good technique. It’s better to take your time. Not too slow not too fast. It’s controlled sparring. Not too hard and not too slow.. find the balance.. this is how to improve everything ..about defence, counter attack. And when sparring, control sparring .. it shouldn’t be stressful. If you’re stressed, or you’re in a hurry or you’re worried, you cannot learn. You’re not friends with your partner sometimes when you hurry. You feel like “I want to be better, I want to kick better”. So it’s better just to learn both.. *demonstrates the sparring* .. Take your time, counter .. block.. counter.. take your time, Sometimes put the gloves on during controlled sparring .. take the time to kick and check your technique. Sometimes if your opponent kicks you and when you’re blocking, sometimes you feel why the block doesn’t feel so good? You can check from controlled sparring..Then you let them kick you again and try to block again.. see your technique. This is how to develop and improve your technique and style.
What are you thinking about when you’re fighting?
When fighting, just in the moment. I know many people just think about the future more than in the moment. Because sometimes you panic or you worry about the fight or maybe you’re excited about the fight. But I think if you try to control your mind to live in the moment, I think it’s much better as you see and feel in real time. Sometimes when you think too far to the future, you lost the moment and your mind. And when you lost your mind, it’s hard to feel and hard to catch the feeling.. because you’re not in real time. That’s why you are lost.. it makes it hard for you to do good.
Are you thinking about scoring or knock outs?
For my personal fighting and my brother, when we’re fighting we’re not focused on scoring or knock outs. We just focus on what we can do. That’s why I say I live in the moment. I try to focus.. I try to be better.. like, they kick, I stop them. They kick, I block, I counter. I try to break down their timing to make me get better or to look better. When I am better and look better, that’s me scoring. I am better in the scoring, that’s it. I am focused on the better timing, faster attack and faster counter attacks . Im not focused on scoring. I’m focused more on game plan and technique than scoring. Because if I have a good game plan and technique, the scoring will come later and will help you score.
No, I’m not thinking about knock outs and hurting them. Yes, for sure sometimes I think, oh they do this technique often maybe I have to stop them with this. Maybe they punch, I counter with an elbow. In a fight everything is very fast. Sometimes, you want to do this, but it’s passed already. It’s cannot. They try to be faster than you, you try to be faster than them. So its better to think shot by shot. For game plan, better to practice in training. Control sparring. Eg, how to fight with Muay Mat. Partner comes with Muay Mat, you practice the game plan on how to stop Muay Mat, how to stop Muay Khao. So when you’re fighting you don’t have to think anything much. Just use your skills, technique and timing to stop them. But about the pattern of the fight, you already have it. Sometimes, the fight is made difficult because you don’t know about the styles. How to stop this style? How to stop muay Khao how to stop muay clinching style? How to stop muay boxing? It’s about learning about the style, pattern and concepts.
Kru F, Pisit Kambang.
Do you train a style or do you find a style through training?
I find my style first because I do what I like. If you do what you like, you can do better. Because I’m skinny, its about the body also.. I’m skinny if you ask me to be boxing style.. I can but it’s better if I do faster techniques and counter attack. But the short fighter can also be muay femur. Doesn’t mean everything is about the body. Big body have to be boxing style. No. Big body, big muscles can be muay femur too. Tall can be muay boxing too not only muay Khao. I do what I like. I like muay femur and I started fighting using timing… so I like more muay femur. That’s why I practice more muay femur. But at the moment, I practice muay khao. If I lose with muay femur, I have to pressure and push myself. So I add in muay Khao, clinching style. I train both. But I still concentrate on the muay femur. Muay Khao is a spare… when my muay femur cannot do anything to my opponent so I need my second choice.
I think every fighter in Thailand does it like this.. if you’re muay femur 1st round 2nd Round if you’re not doing well against your opponent, or not good scores they’re stopping everything. What can you do? Pressure. Pressure with Khao pressure with boxing. That’s why you have the spare to support your style. First you try.. oh if your timing is better and they’re slower than you.. ok just protect your points and keep fighting like that.
Do you get scared when you fight?
Before, yes. Not scared but worried about myself. Because ... that's why I said, training is very important. When you're not training good, you're worried more about yourself. This happened to me.. worry about myself worry that I get tired. When you have to fight with muay Khao, that’s usually when you have more worry! That’s why when you not trained good you’re more worried you think too much. You destroy yourself by being lazy. That why you have to train good, eat good sleep good.. you’re more confident. I’m worried because I am lazy. Before I retired, 2-3 years I feel like no passion anymore. This happens to many thai fighters when they pass to the top…sometimes they feel like their passion is not much but just fight for living. This is not good. That time I was young. But now I feel like I learn more and understand. So focus on the training, and not attach or worry about anything. If your training is good, you’re more confident.
The mind is very important. Even if your training is good but your mind doesn’t feel flow, or sabai or relax. Even if your training is good, it doesn't help. You’re just more worried and more stressed.. think too much. Just sometimes, train good and take the time to relax.. And more understanding and just focus.. push everything in the fight and do your best.
Difference between being lazy and tired?
Cannot say exactly as people are different. If you train and push everything, 100% and then you feel sore and stiff.. sometimes you need an ice bath or something. If you feel that, that’s tired. You maybe need to rest 1 day or 2 days to recover. Lazy means you don’t want to do anything. You don’t have anything and you ask for rest or stop. You’re not trying anything. Can become a habit when you stop 1 day 2 day 3 days.. be careful it can become a habit. For training hard, when you push everything 100% and when you feel very sore muscles, stiff and your mood ..doenst feel fresh. Can come out from the mind. Could be sleepy? Or something like that..
When should a fighter retire?
This depends on the fighter. At my age, fighters retire very late. We start fighting young and take time to be a success. Successful.. takes time. Most fighters about 30, maybe maximum 30 .. 10 or 15 years ago, fighters retire so early.. because we have everything to learn and they have passion, they go to the top. When they are at the top, and champ they have no more passion and want to stop or rest.. or go to be a trainer. Maybe only 26 or 25 year old.. they retire. Not same as before. Before about 31 or 32... 33.
Should retire, sorry to say .. but not exactly but the most you can see is from the fight or from the body. Sometimes fighters try to push, work hard and try to push.. but the body or the work isn’t the same as what you think because of the age and the body. It’s more the feeling when you get kicked, compare to when you’re younger its fast recovery.. When you get older, takes more time and you feel it more.. and also the muscle is not the same like when you’re young and fresh.. it’s more.. soft (laughs). Can see from the fight and from the body. If you fight with the young fighter, and you can see that it’s easy.. if you fight you have experience and better than the young fighter, you have experience.. but young fighter are fresh. They beat you up from being fresh, they push push push.. and then you get tired.. because they are stronger.
Why did you stop fighting?
Oh, I was being lazy and no passion.. because I am 30 and just fighting.. no passion. After fighting for so long.. many years. Sometimes running, sometimes not run. When the body is not strong like I said before.. when the body is not strong and you’re fighting that is the problem, When you get an injury it takes time to heal and it can be a bad injury as you’re lazy .. and not strong. Same like me, I stop because of the age too.. the number 30 and also I’ve worked very hard from 8 or 9 years old. Fight Fight Fight.. no passion, lazy.. that is not good, don’t follow.. (laughs) Dont do like that .. at that time, not so many things and not learning much, not like now.
This time fighters should be proud. From money, from the fight from the promotion.. this time you have many chances. So focus on the training and don’t be lazy .. If you do like this it will be good for yourself.. In my time, nothing much just fight fight fight and became lazy and not much training.. fighting and got kicked and broke my arm. This is why I stopped fighting..
Why did you start fighting?
Start? Accident! I didn’t think about being a fighter or thinking about fighting.. my cousin was a fighter but he was a bit pum pui (chubby) he was a little bit pum pui.. but he love may thai. Everytime I follow him to watch him fight (shows how small he was ringside) .. So I saw him fight but that time I hadn't started fighting yet. He fought 25 - 30 fights. Even though he trained, but he was still a little bit pum pui so he retired. The place that I’m living there was another boy .. and you know boys they’re like (showing how boy egg each other on) the other boy was like “do you want to fight with me” .. was asking to play or fight. My cousin took my brother to fight with the other boy.. then he saw they eh, you can fight. Then he took my brother to a school. Like I said before Muay Thai in the country side, was so many. So we went to this school who held fights every month. How we match the opponents.. (demonstrates) .. we go there and every boy is there. Every boy there wanted to fight. My brother wanted to fight. On the scale someone writes your weight. Other boy comes, writes the weight. They’ll look who’s the same weight. Calls the boy forward, calls my brother to come forward.. and asks “do you want to fight him” .. open the shirt to show the body is the same same.. weight is the same .. both agree and then there is a match up. 2-3 weeks we train, run..
I was very proud.. when its your first fight.. and it’s very proud when you have your fighting name on the corner of the traffic light. Before, we didn’t have posters so we have a board.. a big wooden board like a white board.. and they write your name .. second fight, third fight. And they put the commercial at the corner of the traffic light so when we drive past its like oh! Name name name! felt proud, feel good.. Very good memory..
(Wait.. Did you start fighting before training??)
No,I was fighting with kids around.. you know for kids (acts out movements).. my brother started before me maybe 6-7 times then I started. First fight.. my legs were shaking. First fight, I fought at the village festival. They took me and the boy .. they asked us, “Do you want to fight?” They ask me I have to say yes, the boy is there. If he wanted I cannot say no. And my uncle was behind me too.. if I say no maybe they smash me. (Laughs as he slaps the air) I was more afraid of my uncle, than my opponent. But the first fight was very exciting. When stepping to the ring, had someone carry me as I was very young.. They carried me on their shoulders, then put me in the ring. Then when I got there, my legs shook. That’s the first time I knew that my legs would automatically shake.. (shows his heart thumping) ..when I stepped in I felt nervous and excited.. but when fight start the feeling was gone .. I just enjoyed it. (Makes Oei sounds) .. yeah fun.. It was a lot of fun.
Check out our training vlog for insight at how training is like at Sijaopho Gym!