Behind the scenes of Muaythai Victoria
Our monthly amateur Muaythai fight show has been building positive momentum over the past few months here in Melbourne, Victoria. It’s been a huge learning experience being a part of the founding team alongside Sy, Dom and Jason! On today’s show (21/08/22) we had 17 fights across all the age groups, from Under 10s to the Adults.
On show day, we start around 7.30am with ring set up, preparations for weigh ins and ticket sales. Once the judges, doctor, timekeeper, DJ, videographer, photographer and referees are set to go, the fights usually run smoothly back to back. Our equipment managers and fight marshalls keep the fight card moving, making sure fighters are padded up, returning equipment on time for cleaning and are ready to go when their turn is up.

Pre-show, we have nominations open around 2-3 weeks before fight day. After categorising nominees across several excel spreadsheets, we begin matching fighters and corresponding with trainers. “Awaiting confirmation” , “confirmed” , “rego needing update”, “rego complete” and lines of colours highlight matched names across the sheets…. we track our fighters as they get closer to fight day. The slight anxiety kicks in when it gets close to fight day and bloods and signed medical documents are still outstanding.. always happens! The Thursday of fight week, the fight card is released with normally a few renditions and “updates” needed on our social media posts (with pull outs, my mistakes lol, and line up changes).
New fighters to MVI are highlighted to receive their uniforms on weigh in day. Fight and score cards are printed and organised for the officials and teams. As a 100% non for profit, we’re super lucky to have volunteers and growing support for building grassroots fighters. The day normally requires 8-10 volunteers from start to finish for smooth sailing. Jason keeps track of uniform and equipment. Dom manages finances and physical set up of the day. Sy oversees and manages the the team, and organises external resources in moving MVI forward (sponsors, software, etc). And me, I’ve been managing matchmaking and correspondences between trainers, tracking fighters registrations, and weigh ins and social media on fight day. Abbas manages the referees and judges for fight day.
Doors open 11.30am and as the crowd makes their way in the energy slowly builds. Fights kick off with my favourite category, the Under 10s. The crowd cheers the little fighters on, bringing an awesome vibe to the day… as we move to the Adults, the intensity and risk picks up. Nerves and excitement are palpable as the fighters make their way centre stage.
Event day normally ends around 4pm with a debrief, planning for the next show, troubleshooting any issues that arose and social media updates of the day to share in the skill display. There’s a sense of relief for me that the day went as planned. Fighters rankings are updated with the wins, losses and draws of the day… I go home, reenact favourite moments of the day to my partner and furry babies, plot how to improve my Muaythai with these highlight moments lol, sit on the couch with Nami (me right now) and as a team, we prepare of the next show :)